372 Ways To Say – “Not The Brightest”

  1. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
  2. Elevator doesn’t go to the top floor
  3. Buttons are working but the electricity’s out
  4. Hamster has died but the wheel is still going
  5. Tires popped but the wheels still spinning
  6. Not the brightest sandwich in the drawer.
  7. Why would you store a sandwich in a drawer? why would you even store it anywhere finish it like a man!
  8. The lights are on, but nobody’s home.
  9. He’s only rowing with one oar.
  10. She’s not playing with a full deck.
  11. It’s pretty easy to row with one oar. You just switch sides.
  12. has an IQ about 6 points higher than butter
  13. At least butter knows how to make food taste good.
  14. So roughly the IQ of I can’t believe it’s not butter
  15. Their IQ barely reaches room temperature.
  16. Few fries short of a happy meal
  17. Does that make it a sad meal?
  18. Ten cents short of a dime.
  19. Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree
  20. Just a few lumens short of a blown Christmas light
  21. Not the brightest star in the sky.
  22. Them biscuits ain’t done.
  23. Boy’s got good intentions, but he’s about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
  24. Or pretty much any other Foghorn Leghorn saying.
  25. Ah say ah say that boy is about as sharp as a bowling ball!
  26. So dumb they couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel
  27. So dumb they could fall into a barrel of titties and come out sucking their thumb
  28. You couldn’t hit water if you fell out of a fucking boat
  29. If brains were gas, he wouldn’t have enough for a red ant’s mini bike to ride around a cheerio.
  30. Doesn’t know his arse from his elbow
  31. Couldn’t find his arse with both hands
  32. You don’t know your ass from your butt.
  33. All moomins are not in the valley.Yup, this is quite Finnish
  34. Couldn’t organise a piss up at a brewery is a personal favourite of mine
  35. You’re about as much use as a chocolate tea-pot
  36. Doesn’t that also imply you want to eat them though?
  37. He doesn’t know if its pancake Tuesday or Sheffield Wednesday
  38. You’re as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
  39. I use a similar analogy when describing something utterly stupid or useless.
  40. It’s like putting a screen door on a submarine
  41. Did you get that from Fallout 3?
  42. Dumber than a bag of hammers
  43. More dull than a bag of hammers.
  44. My dad had a co-worker he referred to as “Eddie 51”. When I asked why, he said, “Because Eddie’s not playing with a full deck.”
  45. Slower than a slug on a salt lick.
  46. My teacher said the first one to a black 3rd grader & got fired.The darkest crayons are black
  47. On the left of the bell curve.
  48. Or at the top of the bell curve.
  49. If brains was dick he couldn’t fuck a cheerio.
  50. Most people can’t fuck a cheerio though
  51. He reminds me of you.
  52. Not the sharpest knife in the crayon box
  53. Marginally smarter than a mossy rock
  54. Called in sick the day God was giving out brains
  55. Dumber than a box of rocks
  56. When your boss tells you to do some stupid shit
  57. This’ll go over like a dick in a disney movie
  58. The only things between your ears are air and opportunity.
  59. He/She doesn’t know shit from apple butter.
  60. Doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground
  61. If he had dynamite for brains he couldn’t blow his fucking hat off…
  62. If he had dynamite for brains he could not blow his nose.
  63. Not the smartest peanut in the turd.
  64. A skull full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
  65. Elevator does not go all the way to the top.
  66. Lights are on but nobody is home.
  67. That kid’s going places, not college, but places
  68. As thick as 2 short planks
  69. A couple of sandwiches short of a picnic
  70. He is as stupid as bread.
  71. He is as stupid as 5 meter of service road.
  72. The lantern’s lit, but doesn’t burn very bright.
  73. He’s sharp as a bag of hammers.
  74. Has the brilliance of coal.
  75. Antennas up, but there’s no reception.
  76. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
  77. She was lookin’ kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead.
  78. Unburdened by the weight of knowledge.
  79. Could screw up a one car funeral.
  80. Not the sharpest crayon in the glass.
  81. Has the IQ of a kumquat.
  82. Not the brightest star in the sky.
  83. Not the brightest bulb on the tree
  84. Doesn’t have the brains God gave a soda cracker.
  85. Slower than molasses running uphill during winter.
  86. Not the sharpest toolshed.
  87. That gate’s half open
  88. Couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery.
  89. Couldn’t organize an orgy in a whorehouse 🙂
  90. A few prawns short of a galaxy.
  91. Thicker than a spread out car hit by a truck
  92. Half as much knowledge as a dead goldfish
  93. Couldn’t organise a root in a brothel
  94. His learning curve doesn’t have a guardrail.
  95. One beer short of a six pack
  96. Got all six cans but is missing that plastic thing that holds them together.
  97. A few grapes short of a fruit salad.
  98. A couple of tacos short of a Fiesta Platter
  99. Everything Baldric gets called in ‘Blackadder’
  100. Yer sharp as a boiled egg, ain’tcha?
  101. not the brightest crayon in the tool box
  102. Dummer than a bag of hammers…
  103. Sharp as a marble.
  104. Sharp as a bag of wet hair.
  105. Not the sharpest tool in the Ted.
  106. Wouldn’t know his arsehole from his earhole
  107. Doesn’t have all the moomins in the valley
  108. All the carpets aren’t straight in the attic
  109. Not the sharpest bulb in the drawer
  110. Not the brightest tool in the shed.
  111. A few bubbles off plumb
  112. Not the brightest crayon in the box
  113. Couldn’t find their way out of a wet paper bag
  114. As lost as last year’s easter eggs
  115. Sharp as a bowling ball, and twice as bright!
  116. Dumber than a can of dirt.
  117. Brick red crayon in a neon box.
  118. Dumb as a bag of hammers.
  119. Sharp as a marble
  120. Ain’t the hairiest nut in the sack.
  121. Thick as a brick and twice as heavy.
  122. Couldn’t get a lapdance in a strip club with a fist full of fifties.
  123. Couldn’t find his asshole with a funnel.
  124. Can’t walk and chew gum at the same time
  125. If brains were dynamite, you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose.
  126. Sharp as a brick underwater.
  127. As sharp as a raisin.
  128. Dumb as a box of rocks.
  129. So useless, they couldn’t run a bath.
  130. Not clever, but it got my point across.
  131. The world’s second smartest horse.
  132. I’ve had more intelligent conversations with a door
  133. Not the fastest zergling in the control group.
  134. Couldn’t fight himself out of a wet paper bag.
  135. If you were anymore inbred, you’d be a sandwich.
  136. Not firing on all eight.
  137. The hard drive is spinning, but the OS hasn’t been installed.
  138. Could fuck up the lords prayer even if it was written in stone in front of him.
  139. That dog don’t hunt.
  140. Only way he could get dumber is if he was bigger.
  141. Poor girl’s brains would rattle in a thimble.
  142. Every time she blinks, the world changes.
  143. If he had half a brain, he’d take it out and play with it.
  144. Working “Breath smells like crayons” into the conversation.
  145. At least you’ll get a participation ribbon!
  146. Her pancake isn’t cooked on both sides.
  147. His cheese has slid off his cracker.
  148. The cucumber has left the salad
  149. Some that I’ve coined, heard or picked up on over the course of time……
  150. From the US. Couldn’t help but read all of these in a country “cowboy” accent.
  151. Couldn’t organise a fuck in a whore house with a fist full of hundreds and a golden dick
  152. A friend of mine is always saying, “well, he’s not the quietest vibrator in the drawer, is he?” and I have no clue what the hell it means
    but I love it.
  153. Dumber than a bag of wet mice
  154. My variation on this is ‘about as sharp as a sack of wet mice’.
  155. Not the brightest bulb in the box
  156. A couple sheep short of a flock.
  157. As dumb as a rock
  158. He’s not the sharpest tool in a box full of spoons.
  159. Thick as champ.
  160. Champ as in potatoes and scallions, not JOHN CENAAAA
  161. Few sandwiches short of a picnic.
  162. Has a kangaroo loose in the top paddock.
  163. Not the sharpest lightbulb in the dishwasher
  164. Couldn’t hit the wall with a handful of rice…
  165. Couldn’t find your own ass in the dark without the benefit of a map, flashlight, and written instructions.
  166. Not the sharpest crayon in the box.
  167. If brains was lard, that boy couldn’t grease a fryin’ pan
  168. Not the sharpest light-bulb in the cookie draw.
  169. Not the sharpest apple in the shed.
  170. Has the IQ of a deck chair.
  171. A few sheep short in the top paddock
  172. A few roos loose in the top paddock
  173. Sharp as a bowling ball.
  174. Dumb as a box of hair.
  175. Not the brightest crayon in the shed
  176. Did you live under powerlines as a kid?
  177. Did you eat paint chips as a kid?”
  178. Can’t carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it.
  179. A few bricks shy of a load.
  180. Can’t tell shit from shinola
  181. At least you’re pretty
  182. If brains were lard, you couldn’t grease a skillet.
  183. Not the cutest kitten in the basket
  184. Not burdened with an overabundance of schooling
  185. If brains were dynamite, he couldn’t blow his nose
  186. Even a broken clock works twice a day.
  187. The rabbit at the controls has died.
  188. One wheel short of a unicycle.
  189. A sandwich short of a picnic.
  190. Going all in with a two and a seven
  191. You couldn’t pour water out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the sole.
  192. He’s dumber than a bag of hammers.
  193. One egg roll short of a pupu platter.
  194. One enchilada short of a combo platter
  195. As sharp as a spoon.
  196. One taco short of a combination plate.
  197. Doesn’t know his ass from a banjo.
  198. Not the sharpest light bulb in the tool shed.
  199. Few beers short of a slab
  200. Not worth the full of your arse of boiled snow
  201. Not the sharpest tool in the Ted
  202. He’s got two neurons held together by a spirochete.
  203. A kangaroo loose in the top paddock
  204. A few sandwiches short of a picnic.
  205. Slower than Magic Johnson’s AIDS
  206. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  207. Not the most powerful gun in the armory .
  208. Not the fastest car in the garage.
  209. Don’t put metal in the science machine.
  210. Not the sharpest knife in the crayon box.
  211. A wet match in a dark cave.
  212. My friends and I say “not the fastest fish in the toolbox” haha.
  213. A few tacos short of a combination platter.
  214. Heard on Reddit, but, “he could fall in a barrel full of tits and come out sucking his own thumb.”
  215. Not the sharpest spoon in the microwave.
  216. Non-vulgar one: He’s got two brain cells, and one of them’s inhibitory.
  217. Vulgar one, from The Wire, I think: He couldn’t catch the clap in a Mexican whorehouse.
  218. Dumber than a bag of rocks.
  219. Not the sharpest bulb in the sea.
  220. I prefer screen door on a submarine.
  221. He couldn’t find his own ass with both hands.
  222. Not the sharpest fork in the sock drawer.
  223. It’s not a question of whether he was dropped on his head, but how many times, and from what attitude.
  224. Smart as a bag of hammers.
  225. A few plums short of a fruit pie.
  226. Well, it takes all kinds.
  227. Rockser than a box of dumb
  228. Not my circus, not my monkey
  229. Not the sharpest spoon in the jar.
  230. He would go to the opening of a letter if he were invited
  231. Sharp as a sack of wet rats.
  232. Sharp as a wet tennis ball.
  233. He’s a little bit 404.
  234. An online video that is always buffering – from my cousin.
  235. Not the sharpest bulb in the crayon box.
  236. Usually takes them a minute.
  237. Train is still at the station
  238. A few tacos short of a combo platter
  239. One can short of a six pack.
  240. Couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery.
  241. Couldn’t organise a nun-shoot in a nunnery.
  242. She’s away with the fairies.
  243. An old one that most people don’t get anymore: Doesn’t know shit from shinola.
  244. He’s not the sharpest marble in the shed.
  245. Fell out of the stupid tree and hit all of the branches on the way down
  246. Bout as sharp as a marble.
  247. If your IQ was measured in feet and I jumped from that number to zero, I would need to take a step up.
  248. Sharp as a sack of wet mice
  249. Not the smartest peanut in the turd
  250. Sharp as a que ball!
  251. So and so is as sharp as a marble.
  252. Couldn’t douse a fire at the bottom of a lake.
  253. A few tacos short of a combo plate
  254. A few ants short of a picnic “Barmy as a box of frogs”
  255. You’re about as useful as a spoon in the knife drawer.
  256. Doesn’t have all the crumbles on his cookie.
  257. He’s so deep in the closet he’s finding Christmas presents.
  258. I admire your potential for improvement
  259. Couldn’t find his ass with two hands and a map
  260. You’re not the sharpest hammer in the pencil box.
  261. Couldn’t organize a fuck in a brothel.
  262. Can’t take with a scoop if you’ve been given with a spoon
  263. Not the sharpest lightbulb in the crayon box
  264. Don’t have enough wit to be properly classified as a half-wit
  265. One tree short of a hammock
  266. About as sharp as a sack of marbles
  267. A couple of coupons short of a toaster.
  268. A few pubes short of a Brazilian
  269. How much is a brazillion
  270. Not the sharpest tool in the shed
  271. one french fry short of a happy meal
  272. A few cups short of tea service.
  273. He’s a taco short of a combination plate.
  274. One beer short of a six pack.
  275. Not the brightest crayon in the box.
  276. Couldn’t find his ass with both hands and a lantern
  277. Not the sharpest midget in the box.
  278. A few slices short of a full loaf of bread
  279. Might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but is definitely the brightest crayon in the box.
  280. He/She is a freakin’ slow blinkin’ mouth breather.
  281. Not pulling a full wagon.
  282. The lights are on but no one’s home.
  283. Not the brightest bulb in the box.
  284. A few screws short of a hardware store.
  285. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  286. A few cards short of a full deck.
  287. A few fries short of a Happy Meal.
  288. About as sharp as a marble.
  289. Only has one oar in the water.
  290. Smart as a bag of rocks.
  291. A hamburger short of picnic.
  292. The elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top floor.
  293. A few peas short of a casserole.
  294. A few keys short of a piano.
  295. Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.
  296. The gates are down and the lights are flashing, but the train isn’t coming.
  297. As smart as a stick.
  298. Fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
  299. An intellect rivalled only by garden tools.
  300. Has an IQ of room temperature.
  301. Couldn’t pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
  302. Not the sharpest crayon in the box
  303. Not the the sharpest tool in the shed
  304. They are depriving some village of its idiot.
  305. A few threads short of a sweater.
  306. Driveway doesn’t quite reach the road.
  307. The battery is not fully charged.
  308. Dumber than a bag of hammers.
  309. A few bricks short of a full load.
  310. A few clowns short of a circus.
  311. A few beers short of a six-pack.
  312. Dumber than a box of hair.
  313. All foam no beer.
  314. As smart as bait.
  315. Forgot to pay his brain bill.
  316. The antenna doesn’t pick up all the channels.
  317. Missing a few buttons on his remote control.
  318. Proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.
  319. Receiver is off the hook.
  320. Has a leak in the skylight.
  321. Too much yardage between the goal posts.
  322. Not all the soldiers are marching in line.
  323. Dumber than paint.
  324. Half a bubble off plumb.
  325. Donated his brain to science before he was done with it.
  326. A few shades beyond blonde.
  327. A few watts short of a light bulb
  328. Running on 3 cylinders.
  329. Has the parachute but is missing the ripcord.
  330. Would lose a debate with a doorknob.
  331. Has an IQ lower than plant life.
  332. All volume, and no content.
  333. Wouldn’t know if they were on foot or horseback.
  334. The wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead.
  335. The cheese slid off the cracker.
  336. Doesn’t have all the chairs at the table. .
  337. A shining example of why you should avoid inbreeding.
  338. A few pecans short of a fruitcake.
  339. Would argue with a signpost.
  340. If you gave them a penny for thoughts, you’d get change.
  341. Dumb as a salt shaker.
  342. Has a mind like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states.
  343. Knitting with only one needle.
  344. The result of too much chlorine in the gene pool.
  345. Not the quickest bunny in the forest.
  346. The hard drive is spinning but the OS hasn’t been installed.
  347. Not exactly burning all thrusters.
  348. A few colors short of a rainbow.
  349. The boat doesn’t have all the oars in the water.
  350. A few ships short of a fleet.
  351. A monosynaptic cretin (Don’t understand it? ’nuff said)
  352. A few noodles short of a chow mein.
  353. A few bristles short of a broom.
  354. Doesn’t know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt.
  355. Hasn’t seen the ball since kickoff.
  356. The relative IQ of a deck chair.
  357. A poster child for birth control.
  358. A few players short of a team.
  359. Couldn’t hit the floor if he fell on it.
  360. A few sheep short of a flock.
  361. Not the brightest light in the harbor.
  362. One plate short of a tea set.
  363. A few kangaroos loose in the top paddock…..
  364. A few slices short of a sandwich…..
  365. A few sausages short of a BBQ
  366. If her IQ was any flipping lower we’d have to water her.
  367. A few more braincells and he would be a cabbage.
  368. One can short of a sixpack.
  369. Few grapes short of a fruit salad.
  370. Dumber than a sack full of wet mice !
  371. Couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with instructions written on the heel
  372. One booster short of the full zombie.
  373. Three grapes short of a fruit salad

Enjoy !

Don Charisma

(Collected from around the net, thought to be public domain, in common use)

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Disclaimer – This is creative writing, for the purposes of freedom of expression and shared connection, in the realm of the divine via communication, you know, art. If you take offense to anything herein, then I suggest you may be the intolerant, bigoted, hateful, ideologically possessed, sinful, undiverse, uninclusive, extreme, misinformed, uninformed, propagandised one, not I. But who knows I could be wrong, I have been before, and will be again.

“to err is human; to forgive, divine” – Alexander Pope

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