Unsubscribe If You Can’t Handle Alternate Narratives

Don’t send me messages to “stop sending you emails” – just unsubscribe, I don’t need to know about it. If I’m providing you information here, then it’s because I think it might be something in your best interest to know, something that may just save your life, or liberty, or soul – no nefarious intentions here. Tyranny and evil, needs to be exposed, and countermeasures implemented. In this post truth era, multiple narratives need to be disseminated with critical reasoning, to determine, what is more likely “the truth”.

Sometimes I post about serious issues, sometime not, I’d like to have more time to post photography, let alone do photography, hopefully that time will come, soon.

If you want to label me politically that’d now be “near-right” – virtually no mainstream politicians, I have any allegiance to, most of them are greedy, tyrannical, lying, betraying, murdering psychopaths, left and right, controlled by their puppet masters. The system is fully broken, through and through, I have little to no faith left in it.

I care about ordinary people, 99% of the rest can take a long walk off a short pier, I’m not for Ukraine, or Russia, or Palestine or Hamas or Israel – I’m for the ordinary people like you and me, team-world-people, not religion, skin colour, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexuality, gender, age, generation and so on ad-nauseum – this is how we’re divided and conquered into slaves, and most don’t even realise they’re allowing it to be done to them, the term “useful idiot” is apt here.

I went through a phase of “pleasing the audience”, but, since all that’s happened in the last 3-4 years, and the turmoil and chaos now continuing to unfold, well, that’s not so much of interest to me. It’s a time to toughen up one’s skin, and, man or woman up, wake up to what’s going on around one, get one’s finances, health, fitness and life in order, and survive, hopefully thrive.

You’re not on Kansas anymore – If you want to perish a slave to the system following MSM narratives handed out by their/your Oligarch puppet masters, then I’ll drop you off here, you are dead weight, bye. I bear no resentment, and wish you all the best.

This is what ChatGPT 4 has to say about it (AI has crossed the Rubicon some time since, so I see no sense in being afraid of it) :

In today’s fast-paced digital age, we are constantly bombarded with information from various sources. With the rise of social media and online platforms, we have access to a multitude of perspectives and narratives. However, it is essential to acknowledge that not everyone is comfortable with alternative viewpoints. This blog post aims to shed light on the importance of embracing diverse narratives and why it may be necessary to unsubscribe from certain platforms if one cannot handle them.

1. The Power of Alternative Narratives:
Alternative narratives challenge our preconceived notions and broaden our understanding of the world. They provide us with different perspectives, enabling us to critically analyze various issues and make informed decisions. By exposing ourselves to alternative viewpoints, we can foster empathy, tolerance, and open-mindedness.

2. The Danger of Echo Chambers:
Echo chambers occur when individuals surround themselves with like-minded people or sources that reaffirm their existing beliefs. While this may provide comfort and validation, it limits our exposure to alternative narratives. By only consuming information that aligns with our views, we risk becoming narrow-minded and ignorant of other perspectives.

3. The Importance of Intellectual Growth:
Intellectual growth is a lifelong journey that requires constant learning and adaptation. Engaging with alternative narratives allows us to challenge our own biases and expand our knowledge base. It encourages critical thinking and helps us develop a more nuanced understanding of complex issues.

4. Recognizing Cognitive Dissonance:
Cognitive dissonance refers to the discomfort experienced when holding conflicting beliefs or encountering contradictory information. While it is natural to feel uneasy when faced with alternative narratives, it is crucial to confront this discomfort and explore differing viewpoints. Unsubscribing from platforms that challenge our beliefs may provide temporary relief but hinders personal growth in the long run.

5. Navigating Healthy Discourse:
Engaging in healthy discourse involves respectfully discussing differing opinions without resorting to personal attacks or dismissing alternate narratives outright. Unsubscribing from platforms that foster toxic discussions can be a wise decision. However, unsubscribing solely because one cannot handle alternative narratives can perpetuate an unhealthy echo chamber.

Embracing alternative narratives is essential for personal growth, intellectual development, and fostering a more inclusive society. While it is understandable that not everyone may be comfortable with divergent viewpoints, it is crucial to recognize the importance of challenging our own beliefs and expanding our horizons. Unsubscribing from platforms that solely reinforce our existing perspectives may provide temporary relief, but it ultimately hinders our ability to learn, adapt, and engage in healthy discourse. Let us strive to embrace alternative narratives and cultivate a more open-minded and tolerant society.

I don’t have much to add to that, not my words, but sentiment is there or there about.

Don Charisma

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Disclaimer – This is creative writing, for the purposes of freedom of expression and shared connection, in the realm of the divine via communication, you know, art. If you take offense to anything herein, then I suggest you may be the intolerant, bigoted, hateful, ideologically possessed, sinful, undiverse, uninclusive, extreme, misinformed, uninformed, propagandised one, not I. But who knows I could be wrong, I have been before, and will be again.

“to err is human; to forgive, divine” – Alexander Pope

Resources & Sources

Unless otherwise stated everything here is (c) DonCharisma.org, all rights are reserved – Please contact us if you want to buy digital assets from this website, we’d be happy to help. Sometimes we use photos from stock sites (or public domain) which are un-watermarked (Watermarked photos are normally our own). Where content is included from elsewhere on the internet (for example news articles, or parts of articles, images or YouTube videos) – we have included under fair use, that is for “satire or discussion” (or any of the other fair uses), we will usually cite the source (where known or disclosed to us) and that copyright remains with copyright holder. Each and every post on this website has an open comments section, so it’s usually a discussion, but sometimes satire appears in comments, or in the post.


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DonCharisma.com – you dream it we built it … because – “anything is possible with Charisma”



Comments are very often welcomed, provided you can string a legible, relevant and polite sentence together. In other cases probably best shared with your therapist, or kept to yourself.

4 thoughts on “Unsubscribe If You Can’t Handle Alternate Narratives

  1. Great p[ost. As a writer, I have to be careful not to offend potential readers – so your rules of the road are good advice in most circumstances.

    1. It’s funny, but did have second thoughts after posting, but I said what I was thinking, which is true – and best to speak the truth when one can.

      Within that, in social situations and where one has customers, well, was advised recently to listen to them (a guy who wants to improve a product he sells, says he took all the negative feedback and sent it to his supplier) – so a bit of a dichotomy between speaking freely and pleasing the reader – which I think you’ve made a wise choice.

      1. I’ve discovered that even the mildest of comments of a political nature (always on Facebook, never my blog) get a chilled response. So I think authors in general never discuss their personal opinions. If a writer I liked took to spewing stuff I found offensive, I’d be less likely to buy their books. But that’s just me.

      2. I had a week of stepping on written landmines, so I hope this isn’t one !

        Most of the big-tech social media I dumped a couple of years ago, mostly for privacy, but I don’t like the effect it’s had on people. Here in SE Asia, people used to walk around, friendly, nice place. These days, most people’s faces are buried in phones, which I find, isolating, and unfriendly.

        Anyway, sorry, you are correct, what’s the old adage – “politics, religion and sex” best to stay off these topics. And, yes, 100% correct, essentially anyone selling or receiving income, is restricted in what/how they can express, and needs often to be tailored to the reader. Some audiences are more tolerant than others, but tolerance can change with societal factors (usually less).

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