I Wannabe A Writer

This came across my radar, recommended by a writer who I follow.

Jack Grapes is a successful writer, not a wannbe. In short, there’s a technique for writing authentically, that is what people actually want to read, and spend money on.

About 1hr 50min region is the most important part.

Writing Process and Technique
🎭 The exercise is what you do when you are writing, and if you fail, it means you’re on the road toward learning how to succeed.
🧠 Writing in your true voice is about using sentences that you would actually speak, not about being true to the story or plot.
🎭 The importance of knowing when to speak naturally and when to use a literary style in writing and acting.
🧠 Writing is like a machine, it needs to work and if it doesn’t, you have to figure out how to make it work better.
📝 “Poets never finish writing a poem. They only abandon it.” – There’s always a point where you might feel that a piece of writing is not perfect, but it’s time to move on.
🎬 Creating psychological time in writing is like creating a cinematic moment, making the reader feel like they’re watching a movie.
📚 Understanding the difference between speech-based writing and writerly writing is crucial for creating the desired effect in your writing.

Authenticity and Emotional Truth
🎭 Being natural in writing is like being natural in front of an audience or a camera – it’s hard to relax and just be honest and true.
🎭 “When you’re in the deep voice, you are connected in a true way to an emotion. You’re connected to an emotion.”
🎨 Let go of your talent and be willing to fail to access your genius in art and acting.
📝 “If you don’t have the emotional truth, it’s just typing. It’s not writing.”


Don Charisma

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Disclaimer – This is creative writing, for the purposes of freedom of expression and shared connection, in the realm of the divine via communication, you know, art. If you take offense to anything herein, then I suggest you may be the intolerant, bigoted, hateful, ideologically possessed, sinful, undiverse, uninclusive, extreme, misinformed, uninformed, propagandised one, not I. But who knows I could be wrong, I have been before, and will be again.

“to err is human; to forgive, divine” – Alexander Pope

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Comments are very often welcomed, provided you can string a legible, relevant and polite sentence together. In other cases probably best shared with your therapist, or kept to yourself.

8 thoughts on “I Wannabe A Writer

    1. Thanks Noelle, for me it was a reminder to write authentically … and you’re likely a better writer than I am, so probably already know this.



      1. The only trick to writing authentically is to make sure the voice is appropriate to the character. I struggled with my latest to find the voice of a ten-year-old frontier girl.

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