The Irish “Mostly Peaceful Protests” – Uncovering The Truth Behind The Legacy Media Lies

So, I did my due diligence on the Irish situation, along with researching my sources, I chatted with an Irish friend in Ireland, and I got an accurate idea of what actually happened from him, he has no reason to lie to me, has extensive contacts and I have 100% more trust in his report than anything from the legacy media.

Another friend posted this in a Discord channel, whilst it doesn’t cover all the facts/events (that’d be a much longer video), it’s an acceptably accurate report, IMO, based on what I reviewed and my due diligence.

Those who are easily shocked may want to give this one a swerve, but I don’t think YouTube allows violence etc :

Key insights
🚨 The media and law enforcement’s hesitancy to release the man’s Algerian immigration status has sparked concern and outrage among Irish citizens.
🛑 McGregor condemned the riots, attacks on First Responders, and the looting, explaining that it did nothing to fix Ireland’s issues.
🤔 The original school stabber was also a migrant, raising questions about the impact of immigration on public safety.
🚫 Major media corporations block comments that challenge their narrative, making them the enemy of the people.
🤔 The prime minister thinks Ireland is too white and needs to change, leading to controversial discussions about diversity and inclusion.

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Through my finances lens – many mega-corps operate onshore, out of Southern Ireland, or (Eire), where Dublin is located, due to favorable tax situation and being part of EU – so civil unrest and political instability could have a direct impact on those companies, and the macro economics in the country – this is mainly how I’m analyzing these situations, these days.

My heart goes out to the stabbing victims and their families, and communities, justice should be allowed to prevail, especially attacks on defenseless innocents. And props to the TWO guys who risked their lives to make sure the original indecent, wasn’t way worse than it was. The first responded isn’t mentioned in the video, but, he’s an Irish fella, a real life hero, although one wouldn’t think it from the photo. The other is a legal immigrant with a family, who I heard got injured (unconfirmed). I don’t condone or support anything, merely reporting it, so as members here are best informed, with as accurate information, as I can pass on.


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8 thoughts on “The Irish “Mostly Peaceful Protests” – Uncovering The Truth Behind The Legacy Media Lies

  1. Not much different from how the media cover things here – the most famous being a reporter standing in front of burning buildings and people in dark clothing saying the antifa protests were peaceful.

    1. Yeah that CNN screenshot became a most famous meme, and, it’s now incorporated in language in my circles, mocking the hypocrisy … clownworld eh …

      It’s a classic MSM narrative shift maneuver, we’ve seen it hundreds of times before, this one’s particularly heinous as there’s kids who where stabbed, in a place that used to be there safe home.

      As for far-right, my ass, the “mostly peaceful protesters” were just ordinary people – but dumb people will believe what the MSM tells them.

      1. Funny how the Palestinian protests are violent and threatening and the huge pro-Israel congregation in Washington was so peaceful. Our kids have been brainwashed by institutions of higher learning.

      2. Yes, it’s a mess, at a distance I just see one group getting played off against another, one narrative being pushing over another. I think the brainwashing runs deeper, but, the ones who’ve gone through Uni more likely to end up in positions of power.

        “Tiresome” a friend put it.

      3. It seems that even our Congress is getting fed up with the college pro-Palestinian protests – there will be a session with the presidents of several Ivy League colleges this week, the biggest of which is Harvard. I would never send a child of mine there.

      4. Israel, as I understand it, is strategically important, in the middle east. However, there’s multicultural agenda (along with ideological agenda) kinda clashing with that at the moment – bread and circuses, I suspect.

        Sound advice given to boys these days, is find a trade/apprenticeship, work hard, acquire wealth. I honestly don’t know what the answer is for girls, hopefully good parents do. From what I’ve heard, there’s indoctrination of a certain type, all the way through the education system, home schooling for instance had a massive uptick in US, for this reason. And, I don’t think this is just a US issue, “the West” is affected, by this ideology – even see it popping up here in Asia.

        It’s a time of a lot of chaos and change, community and other like minded people are somewhat of an anti-dote, so one of the things I’m working on – but conditions have made that more challenging.

      5. Yes, there’s been a huge uptick in homeschooling here and also the creation of charter schools. I am glad my children are grown so this is not an issue with them, but I have two grandchildren to think about. Probably the only good thing to come out of the pandemic is that parents are now paying attention to what their children are being taught in school and are playing an active role in the curriculum.
        All of this is being challenged by the all-powerful teachers’ unions, although this is mainly confined to big cities and their failing schools. It’s appalling to read that some schools have less than 20% of students proficient in math and reading.

      6. Yes, I have heard of this, hopefully your grandkids will receive better education – hopefully family can “take up the slack”.

        The education system has always been designed for producing workers, what they’re trying to produce now, well isn’t good.

        Many “initiatives” seem to have moved education in a dark direction, agendas behind it we know.

        Anyway, as someone said “Life, it goes on”.

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