ThePatriotNurse – 🚨JN1 Variant Unveiled: COVID’s Next Dark Winter?🚨

Not endorsing her courses, I know nothing about them. However, she has the current sitrep, there or there about – and, saves me having to write it out – the left/right paradigm is kinda slipping into obsolescence though.

With this much honesty, not sure how long before this gets “memory-holed”, so watch while you still can, I will archive on local storage, using the yt-dlp tool. Surprised she’s been allowed to stay so long, which does make me a little suspicious – but perhaps like me, she’s only recently decided to make a stand, for what’s right and true.

AI – Key insights
🧠 Your GI tract is also the center of the balance between the brain and the splanchnic nerves, the nerves which innervate essentially the deep components of the body, the subconscious, and also the gut when you have a gut feeling, a gut intuition.
🚨 The open border and influx of people is a recipe for disaster from a public health standpoint.
🌍 The world is increasingly polarized and unstable, with undocumented individuals bringing economic instability and upheaval.
🛡️ Part of our fight is disciplining ourselves, the biggest enemy that we have nine times out of ten is the one that stares back at us in the mirror.

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Happy new year,

Don Charisma

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Disclaimer – This is creative writing, for the purposes of freedom of expression and shared connection, in the realm of the divine via communication, you know, art. If you take offense to anything herein, then I suggest you may be the intolerant, bigoted, hateful, ideologically possessed, sinful, undiverse, uninclusive, extreme, misinformed, uninformed, propagandised one, not I. But who knows I could be wrong, I have been before, and will be again.

“to err is human; to forgive, divine” – Alexander Pope

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Comments are very often welcomed, provided you can string a legible, relevant and polite sentence together. In other cases probably best shared with your therapist, or kept to yourself.

12 thoughts on “ThePatriotNurse – 🚨JN1 Variant Unveiled: COVID’s Next Dark Winter?🚨

  1. Great insights, Don, and since I had Covid this fall, I am not into any more vaccinations. Maybe next year IF I can get one not made via the mRNA route. Frankly, people are still going nuts over Covid, while the regular flu presents more problems. The current Covid variant does not confine you to the hospital, so why aren’t people taking it in stride?
    Happy New Year to you – may it be happy and healthy.

    1. Thanks Noel, I like this lady, and, all of my study confirms what she says, although no one ever gets anything 100% right.

      My suggestion, stay clear of medical establishment, unless it’s chronic or life threatening. I learnt that when I moved overseas, I had to take charge of my health, I research every medicine prescribed, and don’t go to clinic or hospital unless absolutely necessary – I really have come to distrust the tie between money and healthcare.

      There’s an old saying going around about “strong men create good times, etc”, I’d add to that strong women, but when it was written, contradictory gender was assumed, I don’t think any malice intended, just “the norm/tradition” – anyway, good times have created weak people, basically, and they can’t take the slightest thing, without resorting to Facebook or Tik-Tok to complain. Sad really, as those people have lost their souls to propaganda etc, and will always be needing and wanting, as they’ve lost touch with their own inner power, strength and resilience – slaves basically, who’ll likely never know freedom.

      So, the circle of people I trust tends to consist of people who’ve overcome, or lived longer than me, lived through hard times, and come out the other side, more decent people. Ex-forces I often get along with, and, often find people who’ve been through terrible things are the kindest most thoughtful people who exist.

      Anyway, Happy New Year to you and yours, let’s hope for the best for 2024 ?

      1. Since Hubs is an MD, we tend to be on the cautious side with the health establishment (what’s that about knowing too much?). We do have our annual check-ups (our MD is a former student of mine and I couldn’t ask for a better one) and I get my mammograms.
        Most of our friends are cautious, too – especially my son, who has had Army medicine for the last 20 years.
        I hope you have a healthy and happy new year with lots of good things packed in.

      2. Well, sounds like you have the health and medical arena, more than adequately covered – I should be asking you for advice !

        My friends and I knew “the tea” was a bad idea, early on. I did try posting a video, before “the tea” arrived, but was met with hostile reception, and, then BLM, and manipulative comments left here by a cohort not even a member of that cohort – well decided I was better off out of it – hard to stay silent, and, I do regret that now – although I think 99% of friends and family warned thought I was crazy, and didn’t listen.

        Today in one of my forums, a whole bunch of bereavements mentioned, some suspected to be related to “the tea”, and, my own father is very unwell, unlikely to see the year out, was doing OK before it.

        Since, probably, reposting Dr Carl Vernon, I’ve had traffic incoming suggesting I’ve likely been added to some kind of clandestine blacklist – which is how a lot of the internet will be “policed” going forward (or one method). I did write a post about it, but need to spend more time, to make it more objective. Anyway, I know I’m over the target when this kind of stuff happens.

        Anyway, you know to be careful, and you’re around people who know this – so I’m happy for this. We shouldn’t forget that we need each other too, so, keep in touch, I have a few good friends too – together we’re stronger.

        Wish healthy and happy 2024 for you and yours too,



      3. I do need my blogging community! I am fairly careful. though, because some of its members are wildly liberal/progressive so I do not replay to any rants from them about touchy subjects. I’ve come to realize that their positions are unlikely to change, which is the sad state of things today (no one really listens), and I’m not wasting my energy on trying. I try to remember that basically, they are good people, just a bit too far off on some subjects.
        HAPPY NEW YEAR and keep up the good fight!

      4. Not a hill to die on, in this place, self-moderation and temperance, can be necessary to get along – so I completely get that. A lot of people take things far too personally, myself included from time to time. And, I like that you have the maturity to still see the good in people, that takes a lot of wisdom and pragmatism. The waste of time and energy, rarely worth it, most of the weirdos here, ended up banned – like the recent genocidal person – who started laying into you, was last straw for me.

        In the UK we had “Fawlty Towers”, John Cleese, ex, “Monty Python”, a favourite line – “Why don’t people listen?”, funnier in context.

        I learnt a lot in discussing/arguing things with people I disagree with, usually their arguments are based on presuppositions, which aren’t based in reality (and sometimes I find out I was wrong). Jordan Peterson’s earlier work and exposure, also helped develop my skills, in identifying manipulative conversational techniques, and what the countermeasures were/are. “So what you’re saying is …” became a meme, of the now known to me straw-manning technique. I think to be strong, one needs these tools, mostly for defence, peacefully, or, offense if situation calls for it – it, adds to one’s confidence, and, one can actually be more kind and gentle, in the knowledge, that one has one’s own back covered. The big stick, one rarely has to use, because people sense that one has it – basically be reading one’s emotional response, if, there’s nothing, people quickly realise they’re impotent, and may be facing a bear, not a lamb.

        I recently helped a busy friend on his forum with an “intentionally disruptive” person, the disruptor, eventually threw in the towel and left. TBH felt internally a lose-lose though, this kind of power is not something I seek, but, was necessary for the good of the group, it’s much lighter there now. My friend was pleased not to have to deal with it himself, although very little ever said about it, more than him subtly, tangentially, giving the green light to get rid.

        The other aspect is knowing one’s opposition’s ideology intimately, then, any discussion, their moves are predictable, enabling one to be several “chess moves” ahead.

        Anyway, probably teaching grandma to suck eggs, like with the medical stuff – but feel blessed to have someone wise, and, on similar team as a friend.

        I’ll keep dropping bombs here, there’s up to 2000 potential email openers, and, I have no idea how many others who casually read via the reader, or don’t show up in stats – so, possible to make a difference. If I’ve made even one person question “the tea”, or, feel less alone with a poem, then that’s a success, for instance.

        If, I’m not here one day, as a consequence, you have my email.

        Anyway, must dash, take care you and yours. happy NY !

      5. Good stuff in your reply, Don. I think if I were 30 years younger I might be willing to make it a fight, but I’m old, tired, and wiser!

      6. Yeah, with you on the older, tired’er and wiser – not getting any younger myself ! … pretty busy TBH on work/business anyway, so, do what I can when I can.



  2. Happy New Year, Don. I found my voice again — at least for a while. I have a feeling COVID is here to stay and there will be so many more variants. My 3 kids have all had it, along with some of their children. I have no idea if I’ve had it or not since the symptoms mimic so many other diseases but much more so. All I can say is to get vaccinated and get the boosters each time a new one is available. And here’s hoping 2024 will be better than 2023, even though I don’t have that much hope left.

    1. Hey, HappyNewYear also.

      I could see that you were having a tough time of things, posted a best wishes, not much more I can do from 3000+ miles away – you’re a nice lady, and, I wish life didn’t suck, but sometimes it does.

      Many people are now sick physically, and, mentally exhausted, and fed up, with all the chaos – all I can say is, we have to make the best of things, it’s only a one life allotment – tough as it is often, best to look for the bright side where one can.

      Cling on to that hope as hard as you can, it’s been for me, the only thing that kept me doing through my dark times – and hoping for a better 2024 same as you.

      Personally, I’d skip the boosters, I take vit D3, C + NAC, Zinc, mature multivit (and others) regularly to fortify my immune system, and Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, if I have flu like symptoms, but, you have to do what you feel best for you.

      Take care


      1. I’m hanging in, at times by my fingernails which are getting stronger with the things I’m taking. Vitamin D3, Ferrous Oxide, and Benadryl for the pesky sinuses. I’m trying to figure out how to make a sandblaster that would fit in my nose to blow out my sinuses without taking the top of my head off at the same time. Also looking for a used space ship to head for Venus and open my own colony and start over without all the turmoil we are living in here. All we can do is hope for a better next year with a few less idiots running the countries. Thanks for being my friend even if we never actually meet. You are an inspiration to everyone who has the pleasure of interacting with you. I’m learning to live life with charisma!


      2. I’m happy for you, you’ve always been a lovely person to me, so it’s easy for me to reciprocate. I am always friend to people who treat me with kindness, love and respect – so my pleasure, happy to be your friend, even though we never met.

        I use a variation on the “Neti Pot” for sinuses. Mine is a 50ml syringe, with a fitting nasal attachment (not expensive, couple of dollars maybe). I have sachets of powder I mix with water (which is basically saline – ingredients – “Pharmaceutical grade Sodium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate”), and use the Syringe to (gently) pump the fluid into my sinuses whilst holding one nostril, repeat the other nostril. I then hold both nostrils, and blow gently, like one would on airplane, to circulate the fluid, I can hear it in my ears. Then let the fluid drain, head face down flat over the sink.

        LOL, my strategy was to move to another country, kinda cheaper and easier than space travel – it’s warm here and the people are generally lovely – maybe you come visit one day, I’d like that.

        I do have my own troubles, woes, suffering, but there’s easing in kindness and helping others – just wish I had more time and resources, but, it’s same for most people I know.

        You have Charisma already, the learning is to use it more often.




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