Financial Pundits Weekend Video Roundup 22-Oct-2023

In these turbulent and uncertain times, these are a few of the financial pundits that I listen to for forward guidance on what the markets and global economy is doing. A financial education is not something generally taught to ordinary people like us, so I’m grateful to these people for gradually helping me to understand finances.

Understanding finances, helps one make informed choices, and potentially dodge bullets that are in the pipeline – the idea is thrive and prosper financially.

David Quinteri – The Money GPS (Based in Canada, gives commentary on US and global finances)

Maneco64 (Mario) (UK based, ex-bond trader, gives commentary on UK and global finances, his specialty is Bonds and Precious Metals)

Sean Foo (based in Singapore, gives a slightly more Asian based interpretation, in global finances).

George Gammon (Based in South America, commentary on US, and global finances)

Neil McKoy-Ward (UK Based, talks about Global and UK issues)

Don Charisma

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“to err is human; to forgive, divine” – Alexander Pope

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6 thoughts on “Financial Pundits Weekend Video Roundup 22-Oct-2023

  1. Climate change is a religion here and pretty much everyone’s drunk the Kool Aid. My directive is: follow the money. They pretty much tells you how corrupt the whole movement it.

    1. I read Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad about 20-30 years ago, it’s a great book for learning basics and mindset.

      Many people live vaguely socialist lifestyles expecting a corporation, institution or government to look after them. As a younger man I was relatively ambitious, and realised that others often weren’t. There’s also the consumer / producer mindset, that one needs to get to the producer side, which is a minority of people – even now I can’t feel that it goes against the grain for me – but, I keep on pushing myself to that side of things.

      And, yeah, corporate/institution/gov “daddy”, has been a comfortable place for people in the past – I’m posting about these issues, as I don’t think this will continue – so people need to wake up and start taking care of themselves, especially financially, the alternative is things like UBI, which I wouldn’t really call, “living life”.



      1. We found that book too late for my son, but out daughter and her husband are doing well taking care of themselves – after a sit-down discussion with them. My son at least checks with us when he’s going to spend money – and it turns out he’s a Scrooge McDuck! He doesn’t own a credit card!

      2. I got very financially conservative over the last few years, so perhaps your son learnt some lessons anyway … Scrooge McDuck isn’t so bad, if one’s putting one’s money to work.

        Kiyosaki has a YT channel, which I watch occasionally, and guest appearances elsewhere – I have other sources which are “better”, subscribed to a mentorship group with one of the pundits, and he’s helping me get educated and in action fast.

        Glad to hear your daughter and husband are doing well, wish I’d had RW family influence, but I’m learning.

        I’m trying to post relevant financial education here, as and when I have time, up to people whether they want to investigate further. Also, posted some things about online privacy – Matrix and Session messaging – maybe more to come later.

        Dunno how well the “climate change” posts will go down with the powers that be, so if one day I’m not here, you’ll know what happened – enough is enough for me now, time to resist, what they have in the pipeline, well people need to know.

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