British or Italian – Which Do You Prefer?

Passing by a Ferrari dealer, I couldn’t help but take a few photos. They had a number of beautiful Ferrari’s on show and even had a client revving their engine for us, just to let us know his car was working.

I spotted a few British models in the back though, so wondered which ones you guys prefer – the raw power of the Italian stallion, or the more refined British offering:

Best of British:

The Italian Stallion:

Taken at Ferrari Dealership, Egham, UK © dannyboybroderick

69 thoughts on “British or Italian – Which Do You Prefer?

    1. I’m not sure Lotus is in the same league as Ferrari – unfortunately when it comes to British motoring, there aren’t that many great manufacturers around.

      Perhaps comparing McClaren vs Ferrari would be better?

  1. Was that an Aston Martin in the top right hand corner?
    That friends, is the car of the lot. You can get in that thing and drive it every day and still probably get your money back after 2 years.
    A friend of mine actually did that here in South Africa with a Vantage . Maybe the rules for investment cars in this country differs from yours. But Still its may choice fore sure!
    Sorry love, not sure where the Kid will sit…

  2. neither are my favorite – prefer German cars I guess – and drive a Swedish make – which is made by Ford – lol! anyhow, if I had to pick from the two – would go Italian.
    and by the way – loved your pics – glad you stopped by to grab them. 🙂

  3. Once upon a time I would have chosen speed over luxury, but as I approach a more seasoned vintage (I prefer tha analogy of wine, only getting better as I get older) I lean more towards the more luxurious modes of transportation. I still like to go fast, just more comfortably.

  4. The outcome of this question is the same as if the nation’s footy teams squared off. Italy wins.

  5. Italy has got lots of defections. But, as far as creativity concerns, I think italian people are more inspired (and inspiring) than lots of other europeans.

  6. This is a trick question, right?

    A car aficionado friend of mine always recited:
    “Gott schütze uns vor Regen, Wetter, Wind /
    und Autos, die aus England sind.”
    (God protect us from rain, weather, wind /
    and cars made in England)

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