Thank You - Wishing You Health Wealth, Happiness and Inspirtation

Thank You to ALL my Followers

I’m from UK, Thankgiving isn’t a British tradition, but a lot of my readers are from America, so …

Thank you for following my blog, thank you for your comments, inspiration and support, I am very grateful to each and every one of you.

Thank you for you for sharing your time and resources with me. And thank you to those who’ve shared their friendship with me.

Ahead I wish you Health, Wealth, Happiness and Inspiration.

Don Charisma, 28-Nov-2013

Sorry guys if it’s not exactly in keeping with Thanksgiving, but it’s what I wanted to say.

I’m not feeling so well today, I feel like I’m coming down with something, the doctor has me on Antibiotics, so I may not be as prolific as usual for a few days. Thank You - Wishing You Health Wealth, Happiness and Inspirtation Thank You – Wishing You Health Wealth, Happiness and Inspiration

(c) Don Charisma 2013



55 thoughts on “Thank You to ALL my Followers

    1. You are welcome, and thank you, not quite sure as a non-american how to express myself. I’m sure I’ll be feeling better soon, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories aren’t great for charisma ! warm regards DC

  1. Thank you for recognizing the only American holiday I like /celebrate. I know the origins of it are not what people like to discuss and are dubious in nature, but the holiday it is today is special – and the food is amazing.
    As for Christmas, I usually spend it with friends in the UK and see the excitement of Father Christmas through their kids. I love the roasted parsnips and enjoy watching the Christmas pudding flame (although I do not enjoy the taste) and I share a bit of my Thanksgiving traditions by making a cranberry/orange relish.
    I hope you feel well soon!

    1. Thanks for that:) In England we only have Xmas as you know, and it’s largely more for kids than anything else …

      Nothing a few days R&R won’t cure hopefully:)



      1. What about Christingle? Boxing Day? Guy Fawkes day and all the other bank holidays?!??
        But yeah, let’s admit it … Thanksgiving is something special.

      2. Yes we get other bank holidays and holidays, but only one eat yourself till you fall asleep holiday and that is Xmas … well perhaps Easter if you count getting the chocolate addicts started !

        Thanksgiving seems to have a lot of similarities to Xmas certainly food-wise, but I’ve never been in US during that period so it’s challenging for me to know thanksgiving …

  2. You are welcome Don, & THANK YOU! Eyah, sorry dear…get well soon. Thanks for the “follow”, bless your darling heart. coming from a pharmacist…try to complete your medications.wink*

    1. Thanks, it looks like I’m on the mend, slept 12 hours last night 🙂 I always complete the course of anti-biotics, so don’t worry I will ! warm regards DC

    1. Thanks Irene, thankyou for your support and encouraging me with my photography. I’m feeling a little better mainly rest and relaxation needed ! DC

  3. Hey Don!
    Sorry to hear you aren’t well. I’m behind on commenting due to a really bad head that I get every few weeks or so. When my head stops throbbing enough to allow me to spend more time at the computer I’ll catch up on all your posts. 🙂
    Take care my friend.

    1. Thanks Suz, I’m on the mend, I get exahuasted every few weeks myself and mainly it’s rest and relaxation I need I think … Hope you are feeling better too:) DC

      1. The headache is still hanging around but it isn’t as bad as it has been 😦 Glad you are feeling better. I think sleep is the best cure sometimes. I understand the exhaustion. Things are crazy right now at work and I’m coming home tired every day. Can’t wait for slower days ahead. 🙂

      2. Well take good care of yourself, sometimes I get headaches and not always able to determine the origin, sometimes more water helps, sometimes some kind of analgesic … other times I think the brain has been pushed to limits and it’s just rest that it wants ! But think you know that aleady … hopefully slower times are not too far off:)

  4. Thank you for your sweet thoughts for we who celebrate Thanksgiving.
    It’s a lovely holiday but sadly one that many Native Americans do not observe or hold dear.
    I understand their dislike and try to remember their sense of loss. For me, it’s about family and friends. Your friendship is the essence of Thanksgiving, so whether you eat a gut busting meal or grab a sandwich, you’ve got the idea down pat.

    I hope you are well soon. Until then, rest and dream.

    1. You are welcome … I don’t understand Thanksgiving well enough to participate in that discussion, an attempt would not add anything to it !

      I just wanted to say thankyou to all the people that have made my blog into something awesome such as yourself:)

      Feeling a bit better, it’s R&R mainly in need of I think !

      Warm regards


    1. Thanks, I’m feeling a bit more chipper today, mainly usually it’s rest my exhausted brain needs I think, which I’ve been getting 🙂 Keep safe too 😎

      1. Your brain’s too busy thinking. 😀
        Great to know you’re getting rest, Sir. Have a great weekend and get some more rest. Take care and get well soonish! 😀

      2. Thanks Mi Kee, some times my brain needs to be busy thinking, problem occurs when I didn’t give it enough time to rest … will try and keep away from “work” for a few days, batteries are already recharging and new “better” ideas are coming in:)

      3. Looking forward to the new better ideas of yours, Sir. It’s nice to let some neurons in your system rest and give time to recharge. 😀

        Enjoy your rest days! 🙂

      4. They are on their way, I’m just off for a walk now, catch a few rays of sunshine and do some dance-music-meditation 🙂 Brain recharging, I promise 🙂

        Cheers DC

  5. Nice site. Perfectly acceptable Thanksgiving wishes. Hope you don’t have anything too bad and can recover soon. Many thanks for following my blog. I appreciate it.

    1. Feeling like on the mend today, so taking it easy will be firing on all cylinders before long. Thanks for the compliment, lovely to hear from you, do keep in touch 😎 warm regards DC

  6. Thank you for visiting and deciding to follow me. Thanks also for the Thanksgiving wishes. We give thanks to you for your blog and hope you have that spring back in your step soon.

  7. How kind of you to wish we gluttons well. The only thing needed to celebrate Thanksgiving U. S. style is to eat til you drop. And I intend to, but then, I love turkey. My best to you and thanks for your wonderful snaps.

    1. You are welcome. The English are gluttons too but we do it on Christmas which is eat till you drop … I’ve some more snaps in the pipeline, after a few days R&R though 🙂

  8. Hope you feel better, DC. I’m a bit sicky too, laryngitis. I began substitute teaching four weeks ago and those kids are covered in germs that I’m not used to. My favorite assignment was as a special ed gym teacher. I had 8 classes, and needed two days to recover. My legs and butt were sooo sore. But it was such an enjoyable way to get laid up.
    My Pooky is six years younger, so I’m waiting for him to retire. Since you don’t do Thanksgiving, I’ll just say have a great day! Time to go put the bird in the oven.

    1. Thanks, hopefully it’ll be a few days R&R … have a few photos to post as I never seem to be able to stay away from my blog even when I’m resting !

      You reminded about when I go diving after a break, exhausted in the evening and then get stiffness next few days … I try to keep my fitness up as I best I can.

      Happy thanksgiving to you:)

      Warm regards


  9. And thank you for continuing to positively support me in my quest to develop my blog. I appreciate your comments and ideas and I believe my blog is getting to a better place as a result of it. Little steps. Here’s wishing you a quick recovery from what ails you 🙂

    1. Thanks, hopefully it’s just a passing cold, and the antibiotics will clear up the other trouble:)

      It’s great to see you coming along, and you are right it’s small steps that make up a journey 😎 warm regards DC

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