westminster,abbey,architecture,britain,building,cathedral,church,city,england,famous,gothic,heritage,historic,landmark,london,old,religion,tower,unesco,DON CHARISMA

“The Seven Social Sins” – Frederick Lewis Donaldson

“The Seven Social Sins are: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principle. From a sermon given by Frederick Lewis Donaldson in Westminster Abbey, London, on March 20, 1925.” – Frederick Lewis Donaldson Continue reading “The Seven Social Sins” – Frederick Lewis Donaldson

boris johnson,politician,prime minister,leader,famous,politics,party,uk DON CHARISMA,government

Boris Johnson Says ‘It Could Have Gone Either Way’ As He Leaves Hospital (UK)

Thankfully Boris made it through, in-spite of the slew of DISGUSTING obviously partisan comments, on social media, even on my own blog. I debated outing the “troll”, but that’s probably what they wanted, attention via any means. I can’t imagine there was any rational argument or reason for wishing a sick person to die – so I just put it down to probable mental health issues. I’m no expert in that field, so I’ll leave it at that.

Anyway – Boris Johnson, seemingly in good spirits, from about 1 hour ago @ 12-Apr-2020 17:30 UK time.

Hope you are safe, and stays that way.


Don Charisma

Continue reading “Boris Johnson Says ‘It Could Have Gone Either Way’ As He Leaves Hospital (UK)”

author,1984,big brother,british,dystopia,english,eric blair,george orwell,historical,male,man,photograph,politics,uk,britain,england,famous,freedom,DON CHARISMA, 1EN-625-B1945 Orwell, George (eigentl. Eric Arthur Blair), engl. Schriftsteller Motihari (Indien) 25.1.1903 - London 21.1.1950. Foto, um 1945.

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” – George Orwell

Came across this quote today – it’s a quote for all “wrong thinkers”, “wrong speakers” and free speech/1st amendment champions worldwide … dunno if Mr Orwell will save us from the thought police though, even though he did warn us …

author,1984,big brother,british,dystopia,english,eric blair,george orwell,historical,male,man,photograph,politics,uk,britain,england,famous,freedom,DON CHARISMA, 1EN-625-B1945 Orwell, George (eigentl. Eric Arthur Blair), engl. Schriftsteller Motihari (Indien) 25.1.1903 - London 21.1.1950. Foto, um 1945.

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

– George Orwell


Hope you like it.


Don Charisma

Continue reading ““If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” – George Orwell”

uk british flag

Brexit Bill Given Royal Ascent

Just a quick update, seems like I was wrong about the Brexit bill going back to the House of Lords (maybe it did briefly) – anyway, it’s been given Royal assent (ie signed off), so from what I understand, ball is now in Europe’s court (they’ll agree to it or not, probably they will). Here’s the video clip from the parliament.

Not sure what the SNP MP is banging on about, but mostly I think it’s probably some kind of scheme to delay or scuttle the Brexit bill, like we need that 8 days before we leave, after waiting nearly 4 years since 2016. Presumably the government doesn’t need the approval he’s complaining about anyway, otherwise they’d have got that before Royal assent.

At least that’s my layman’s understanding.


Don Charisma

Continue reading “Brexit Bill Given Royal Ascent”

uk british flag

Brexit beats the House of Lords – Jeff Taylor

A friend of the blog from Canada, said that they were interested in what’s happening in UK regarding Brexit. When initially searching for news last year (because I was fed up with Google recommending The Guardian and The BBC), I found that it was difficult to obtain the facts. So, have had to hunt around, a hunt which paid off, I’m now able to get up-to-date news, which isn’t propaganda or fake news.

So, I’m sharing this, as it’s current and Jeff Taylor (who’s probably more a centrist than anything else), reports factually (which can easily be confirmed via other reputable sources, like the video feeds from Parliament and House of Lords).

Basically, the UK Brexit withdraw law was passed in the Parliament last year. The House of Lords then have a chance to add amendments – which they did this week. It was then passed back to Parliament, and voted on, and all of their amendments where denied/ voted down.

From what I understand it has to go back to House of Lords again. It’s likely they will this time approve it, and not add any amendments. One of the reasons being is that they’ve made themselves unpopular already in the past and there’s talk of reform of the House of Lords (keeping one’s job springs to mind). Do we really need 800 people being paid at top tier salaries in the House of Lords – isn’t that a bit of a waste of money ?

Then next is that the law needs Royal ascent, which basically mean the Queen signing off on it – which will just happen, basically.

And, then lastly it needs to be approved by the Europe. If they don’t, then it’s a “hard Brexit” on 31-Jan-2020, ie UK leaves without a trade deal, on WTO terms. Which, from what I’ve been hearing may not be a disaster (as the scare mongers have prophesied), might actually be a better outcome for UK. It’s actually my preferred outcome, get this shitshow over and done with, and get on with sorting out UK’s real problems. But – Dunno, not an expert here regarding WTO vs Europe/UK trade agreement, and I don’t know anyone who is either.

If Europe do approve it, then UK still “leaves” Europe on 31-Jan-2020, but then there’s a Brexit implementation period (basically UK and Europe negotiating a trade deal), with final FULL leave date of 31-Dec-2020.

Most likely Europe will begrudgingly approve the law. So most likely UK will “leave” Europe on 31-Jan-2020, into the Brexit implementation period.

Or there, or there abouts, in somewhat layman’s terms. Sorry I’m not a journalist, or news blog, just putting the word out there. More I enjoy creative writing and opinions, than the hard stuff like serious journalism.

Jeff produces videos every day, and if Brexit is of interest to you, then might be worth following his channel.

I don’t know his political leaning intimately, but those that lean to the left, or are pro-Europe, or are a communist, well, he may not fit your confirmation bias. So might not be your cup of tea. Just saying …

Anyway – For me I’m a centrist, so am able to digest traditional real journalism/facts, and Jeff fulfills my inquisitiveness into what’s actually happening in politics in UK, especially regarding Brexit.

So for that, Thanks Jeff, and also Thanks for filling the void made by BBC, ITV, Channel 4, The Guardian, The Independent and the other one, forget the name, sorry about that. Should also say – thanks UK fakestream media for becoming irrelevant, and making space for new entrants, truly in this case it seems that “diversity is our strength” 🙂 Perhaps soon now I can stop paying for (on pain of a criminal record) a BBC service I don’t use, like or want, or think is relevant anymore.

Lastly, thanks to the 1000 or so new followers, over past couple of days – I don’t know where you came from (or why), but a heart felt welcome anyway. I don’t know if I can live up to your expectations, only time will tell that. A lot of the time I do photography, sometimes I write. A lot of the time I don’t blog at all.


Don Charisma

Continue reading “Brexit beats the House of Lords – Jeff Taylor”