Fruit Stall

Fruits galore, some tropical, some ‘ordinary’ … Mangoes, apples, bananas, young coconuts, limes, durian, pineapples … oh, the pineapples, wow, just mind blowingly ripe and sweet here … sorry for those of you who get the imported non-ripe ones – you *are* missing out !

Enjoy 😀 fantastic photos are available to buy at For our blog readers we’re currently offering a 15% promotional discount – use code dc1406 at checkout.

Taken in Thailand, Asia © Don Charisma

12 thoughts on “Fruit Stall

  1. Reminds me of home in the Caribbean! The fruits imported here in the UK are not the same as tree-ripened, sun kissed fruits in the stall. Yumm! I’m “green” with envy. 🙂

  2. Oh Don, you don’t know how much that hurts me. I’ve never even seen a real, ripe pineapple, or mango either, for that matter. Even the avocados are shipped in green. Our local fruit consists of apples, peaches, plums and pears. We do have strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and a few mulberries, but little else in my area. Now I want a pineapple, a real one, ripe and juicy.

  3. American supermarkets can’t compete but I love to shop Farmers’ Markets, set up in various cities once a week. Still, the one in your photo looks good enough to eat!

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